Monday 29 November 2010


The penultimate day of NaNoWriMo dawns bright and early with my alarm clock bleeping its head off at 6am. My arm promptly keeps on snoozing it until I become aware it is semi-daylight and I've missed my bus to college by fifteen minutes. Oops. On the other side, I feel rubbish and have been ill all weekend, and I only have one lesson, so I make a quick guiltless phone call to my college attendance monitor and then promptly go back to bed. Having not slept much that night, I sleep right through until 2pm-ish and feel extremely lazy and unproductive.

Knowing I have a media essay to write today, too, I get started on Nano. Sadly, there is nobody around to war with me; my regional chatroom has three people in it, none of whom say anything in the fifteen minutes I wait for some kind of answer to my feeble 'hi'. Facebook also proves rubbish in provinding me with a warring partner, so I decide to go it alone. Jamming headphones into my ears I squeak up the volume of James Blunt and The Script's new albums (my novel's writing mix) and attack my novel's key scene (the midway point!!).

In this scene, my MC, Will, finishes his fight with his brother by finding his 'true love's grave in the field where they are fighting, and in a mad panic, time-travels back to her time. The following involves a near suicide, lots of running, snow in July, two revelations, a enormous paradox and a whiskey in a tavern (not in that order). I must say, it was all terrifically fun to write and now, I leave Will at 50k, lying in his sister's bed (nothing vulgar) with more bruises than bones, his brother actually being nice to him for once while he's interrogated by his irate sister for time travelling after he faked destroying the watch that allows him to do so.

Geeee, I want to keep writing now . . .

However, back on track. Finishing a day early has been wonderful, especially considering the amount of stress this has all been this year. My coursework is in serious neglect . . . O.o I highly recommend the experience to anyone who struggles with first drafts (you write a hell of a lot of rubbish, but hey, it's out there and written) and longs to write that novel. The breaking down of your inner editor is hard, but satisfying.

I have 50k with which to find the first half of my story in (oh believe me, editing will be brutal this December: most of it shall not live to see draft 2) and I hope to continue to the end through December and January. This story, I hope, will be much easier to write and redraft than my other NaNo Novel, Hamartia . . . which, despite being my baby, is an utter pain to edit and plan. >.>

As a last note, though, congrats to all those Nano winners out there, great dedication, and best of luck to those who have yet to go green/purple, I'll be rooting for you tomorrow! However, as I write this, I am actually meant to be word warring with a friend who, by the end of this war, will also be a purpleite . . . time to get typing. Toodles, people! (or just Kanen xD)

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