

Haven't updated this for a while. A few weeks a go I did several paintings based on nature-y stuff and also two covers, one for my novella Where the Blue Bird Flew, and one for my friend's short-story series. But I won't be posting the latter, as it was for her.

Made with pan watercolours, Gouache and acrylic.

Also, because procrastination is so much fun, here's a little doodle I did in Media while watching Atonement:


I did some art!! :D *does a dance* Aaaaand, it's a drawing, and I haven't actually drawn something for years. Painting is more my area, and animals are usually a big no-go area, so double whoop! The inspiration for this is a competition on a website I'm a moderator on. We have this chatroom which has a *meow* alert whch literally meows. Someone at somepoint decided there really was a YWO cat and we all voted on a name: Bartimaeus. *makes a face*

Bartimaeus is a really horrible name. (no offence intended if someone called Bartimaeus reads this . . .)

Maurice, on the other hand, is an excellent name for a cat.

Anyway . . . moving on . . . now we have a competition to find out what this mysteriously loud and awful-named cat looks like, and feeling in the mood to do some painting, I set to work. Once I'd finished my rough sketch I realised I'd drawn it not on watercolour paper like I'd intended, but in my regular sketch pad. >.< So I continued drawing and gave up on the idea of getting my paints out again. Maybe next week or something. I quite fancy painting lots of balloons . . .

So, meet Bartimaeus (Click for full-size picture):


Here's where I'll be posting up some recent art projects (thought this would act as an incentive to actually do some . . . ), both traditional and digital, as I'm hoping to start having a go at that. I quite like the idea of cartooning characters. :)

But in the meantime, so this page doesn't look so lonely and unloved like my snippets page, I'll post up my Media Coursework from last year, which (I hope) is okay to post online as it's been moderated and stuff. The first is a film poster, the second a DVD cover, and I used the concepts from my novel Hamartia for the project because I was too lazy to come up with a new idea for it.

All pictures were taken by me (except the logos and age certificates, etc. which are stock images) and are not allowed to be used, copied, edited or anything, without my WRITTEN permission, of which I am unlikely to give, as this was coursework.

[CLICK for bigger pictures, and sorry about the annoying watermark]

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